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A member registered Dec 02, 2017

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Like the new direction the game's taking; i was a bit disappointed when you switched the landscape layout from 2D to the civ-style hexagons, so seeing it go back is always a welcome change.

After playing the newest version for a bit, i've noticed these random slow-downs mid-way through my playtime.  It isn't even near the autosave time, it just randomly happens for 15-30 seconds then the game resumes as normal.  Has anybody else noticed this?

Looking forward to the new stuff you got in store for us; keep up the good work Shawn!

You have to gift them things through the diplomacy window.  Then, they'll have a trade caravan make it's way to your city to pick up the goods.

Could the upgraded bridges have an added effect of allowing boats to travel "underneath" them?  I've had a few games where there's a river that i put settlements on either side of and put a bridge between.  Although, i always need to remember to put my shipyards beyond them so they don't get traped. 

Looks great so far, keep up the good work Shawn

Sounds really cool; bet i'll have fun with this one!

I chose the humans.

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First off, i'd like to congratulate you on this really cool mod you've managed to get together Shawn.  But i have noticed some really weird bugs such as the one in the photo.  I assume it's something to do with your modified world generator that's making this, but tile-specific improvements don't seem to understand the tiles their on.  This issue also applies to the copper mines; at least for me. 

Edit:  Come to think of it, my buildings list includes none of those in the screenshots.  Did i incorrectly download it?

The buttons for building structures.   idk, maybe it's just me and the buttons were the same the whole time, but they feel like i'm having to snipe the things every time i want to place something.

Button's are a bit small with the city's overview, but so far it's pretty fun.

Just out of curiosity, is this new art design now the official texture pack for the game?  Are you going to continue supporting the old design or is that getting left behind, moving forward?

Seems very interesting.  Hope you manage to sort out boats quickly, my naval itch is starting to catch on.

Cool, thanks

So i lost my capital sometime in the middle of my game, i eventually brought up a secondary city, amassed a whole army, and reinvaded my capital.  The only problem is now, because that city was so far along, once i recaptured it, i started back at a level 1 palace and all my citizens were busy doing their own jobs.  

In the next update could you add some feature to make captured cities, well, able to grow?  Maybe just something simple like a check-box when you bring up the building management screen; checked indicates it can be worked by a citizen, unchecked means it can't.  That way i can redistribute my population to focus on building the city back up rather then having to destroy literally every building in the city just to free up enough citizens to be used.

already one issue i'm coming across is the upgrading the city centers.  First time i upgraded it, everything went smoothly; second time i upgraded it, the construction got permanently stuck at 95%, nothing was functioning (probably because all the happiness the center provided was erased) leaving me to just abandon the city and re-settle it.  That was also a complete disaster with the center restarting with -7 admin and a health of -214(string of 8-ish numbers)%.  

keep up the good work Shawn!

Happy new year's to you too.  Hope you can get the battle mechanic down along with everything else.  cheers

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Real cool what you've done with this new race and the new functions you've added; one issue i'm having is the audio.  When masklings attack my center, the plasma-arrows will keep give off this ear piercing thump that somehow gets progressively louder if you have the game paused while the attack is going on, before sputtering out like a dying car engine.  Oddly enough, while redoing that i noticed if i try to unpause the game while it's in it's sputtering stage the game will refuse to unpause(even if i move the camera away from the source).  I've experienced the same issue in older game versions when i put the speed to x3, so the cause of those issues may be similar. 

Seems great that i can use those fertile soil tiles for something other than farms, it was triggering my inner OCD to ever put anything but farms on those things.  Also, as a side question, in that first pic we see some little temple-statue building; it doesn't look like a monument and definitely not like a garden, so is it the beginning of some worship building or something similar?

Sounds very fun.  I think you could really do a lot with an ever-changing law code, and it would be refreshing to see a stratagy game that doesn't require you to sit and wait for the next new toy.  I'm looking forward to what you can pull off with it.

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I was thinking of a new way to do a tech tree when that comes up.  With most stratagy games we see, the tech tree is static and the same across all factions.  wait x turns until this new thing becomes available to us then we can begin production of this standalone unit/structure.  What i was thinking was a more fluid design where the whole point is to improve existing technology; put enough effort into some topic and you get a "eureka" where some scientist creates some revolutionary improvement.  For instance select improve spears to improve their damage through new modifications like serated tips or poison dipped tips.  Eventually you'll max out on what the tool can output and so as you're progressing with your improvements you'll get an ever increasing percentage chance of achieving that new eureka item as research progresses (with a 100% once the item's abilities are maxed out).  Also i don't think it would be very immersive to show a direct tree branch link between tech x, which progresses to tech y, finally to what you need with tech z.  I think it would be cooler if when you get a eureka the game rolls for a new technology to unlock in that category (it would be stupid to unlock a new food producing technique by putting your research efforts into armor).  This would provide tenser moments where a player has to cross their fingers to hope for the specific tech they want to beat a situation (i.e. better weapons to stave off rapidly encroaching Masklings).  A point i forgot to add would be that in games like civilization, i hate how there is no cultural difference between empires in tech (besides 2 specialized units); throughout history we see different nations investing in different concepts that work with the land their given to end up with drastically different item designs from those across the world (EX: 17th century Europe with advanced ships that could decimate any navel force in the Indian Ocean with breeze, or even the Russians pushing both Germans and French out due to them not paying enough attention to winter clothing nor food supply lines).  Things like this would make every game very unique and not so predictable that experienced players will always know what route to take to maximize their situation.  

Sorry for the long post I hope this sparks some creative ideas among you guys.

managed to clear out 2 maskling vilages in quick succession, and i have 2 issues; first is what you see in pic1 i was going for a racial purity match and so once i got the first tribe under my belt i starting demolishing their roads (first).  This lead to whatever mess we see on top of some of these buildings.  The second is that since the whole tribe became commanded by me the second i destroyed their home base, i sent their 15-20 units into the adjacent village with my troops while doing that i decided to demilitarize them and destroyed their war huts.  After the war was over they came back to the ruins of their hut and just stood there.  Sadly i was spawned on an island so i can't send them on a suicide mission (not even into the ocean), so i think it would be great if there was a disband button on them, or maybe you could speed up the HP degeneration time on the base-less units (idk if that's been implemented yet, i've only heard about it). 

As a side thing, i was managing my second town when my troops took it and i had no idea until i saw all the masklings wearing my colors; so i thought it might be nice if once a totem is taken we get a menu screen like in civ where it gives us the option to raze, colonize, or maybe make the citizens into migrant slaves to be moved to another city.  You can kinda raze them by destroying the camp, thus killing all maskling slaves and turning the humans into migrants that you can use to resettle the area, but i'd like a simpler option. (PS - if ya need my save file, just ask)